Alexandra Steinhilber

PhD in Cognitive Science

Engineer in Computer Science specialized in Modeling

I am a post-doctoral researcher in the field of cognitive science, with an interdisciplinary background spanning cognitive psychology, mathematics, and computer science. I graduated from ENSIMAG in 2018, specializing in Mathematical modeling, vision, graphics, and simulation. Subsequently, I pursued a Master's degree in Cognitive Science at Université Grenoble Alpes. Following this, I earned my PhD at LPNC under the supervision of Julien Diard and Sylviane Valdois, focusing on Bayesian modeling of reading acquisition. During my doctoral studies, I made significant contributions to the development of the BRAID-Learn and BRAID-Phon models, which respectively model orthographic learning and reading aloud. Additionally, I independently developed the BRAID-Acq model for reading acquisition. Currently, I am continuing my research as a post-doctoral researcher with the same team.