Steinhilber, A., Diard, J., Ginestet, E., & Valdois, S. (2023).Visual attention modulates the transition from fine-grained, serial processing to coarser-grained, more parallel processing: A computational modeling study. Vision Research, 207, 108211.
Steinhilber, A., Valdois, S., Ginestet, E., & Diard, J. (submitted).Context and prior phonological knowledge as a support for novel word learning: a computational study with the BRAID-Acq model.
Steinhilber, A., Valdois, S., Ginestet, E., & Diard, J. (in preparation).Reading known words and novel words with a single
procedure : the role of flexible attentional processing in the BRAID-Acq model.
Conference papers
Steinhilber, A., Valdois, S., & Diard, J. (in press).Comparison of two mechanisms of pronunciation correction during orthographic incidental learning: a computational study. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
Steinhilber A., Valdois S. & Diard J. (2022).Bayesian comparators: a probabilistic modeling tool for similarity evaluation between predicted and perceived patterns. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 44, No. 44).
Steinhilber A., Ginestet E., Diard J. & Valdois S. (2022).Going beyond the self-teaching theory with BRAID-Acq, a Bayesian model of reading acquisition. Poster presented at the 22nd European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP) conference.
Steinhilber A., Diard J. & Valdois S. (2021).Modeling the transition from serial to parallel visual processing in orthographic learning: the effect of visual attention quantity. Poster presented at the Psychonomic Society 2021 Annual Meeting.
Burkhardt F., Steinhilber A. & Weiss B. (2018).Ironic speech - Evaluating acoustic correlates by means of speech synthesis. In ESSV (pp. 342-350).