List of Publications

List of Publications

Peer-reviewed papers

  • Steinhilber, A., Diard, J., Ginestet, E., & Valdois, S. (2023). Visual attention modulates the transition from fine-grained, serial processing to coarser-grained, more parallel processing: A computational modeling study. Vision Research, 207, 108211.
  • Steinhilber, A., Valdois, S., Ginestet, E., & Diard, J. (submitted). Context and prior phonological knowledge as a support for novel word learning: a computational study with the BRAID-Acq model.
  • Steinhilber, A., Valdois, S., Ginestet, E., & Diard, J. (in preparation). Reading known words and novel words with a single procedure : the role of flexible attentional processing in the BRAID-Acq model.

Conference papers

  • Steinhilber, A., Valdois, S., & Diard, J. (in press). Comparison of two mechanisms of pronunciation correction during orthographic incidental learning: a computational study. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
  • Steinhilber A., Valdois S. & Diard J. (2022). Bayesian comparators: a probabilistic modeling tool for similarity evaluation between predicted and perceived patterns. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 44, No. 44).

Conference presentations

  • Steinhilber A., Ginestet E., Diard J. & Valdois S. (2022). Going beyond the self-teaching theory with BRAID-Acq, a Bayesian model of reading acquisition. Poster presented at the 22nd European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP) conference.
  • Steinhilber A., Diard J. & Valdois S. (2021). Modeling the transition from serial to parallel visual processing in orthographic learning: the effect of visual attention quantity. Poster presented at the Psychonomic Society 2021 Annual Meeting.
  • Burkhardt F., Steinhilber A. & Weiss B. (2018). Ironic speech - Evaluating acoustic correlates by means of speech synthesis. In ESSV (pp. 342-350).

Thesis manuscript